
  • Allan Porter

    I have just learned the sad news of Cecily's passing and am devastated. We played violin together in a small group years ago. She was such a vital energetic person and a great help to those who knew her. I will miss her wonderful presence and smiling face. Memories will remain and thoughts of her live forever.

  • Judith and Michael Jeffrey

    Thank you so much for sending me information about Cecily’s passing. Michael and I were friends with Cecily for over thirty five years. We are now living in Redcliffe near Brisbane. We sent a donation to her suggested charity. Fortunately, she had rung us just recently to say that she was very ill, so we had a chance to say goodbye. I hope that her memorial service was beautiful.
    We are grateful for many wonderful memories of Cecily.
    Kind regards from Judith and Michael Jeffrey

  • Michael Polkinghorne

    What memories of her time in Paris chez nous with Auntie Kate!
    That’s a lovely photo.
    The (sort of French) Polks

  • Claire Jones

    It was a lovely service yesterday, well done organising it so quickly. Everyone spoke so well. What incredible resilience Cecily had to develop so much light and joy and love after a difficult beginning. So good to see you all again after so many years and to celebrate Cecily's life. How special it was to be able to see her before she died and have such a great conversation. Howard sends his apologies, as her godson he really wanted to be there but had something come up with his restaurant. He was on his way to visit her last Sunday when he found out she had died. Thinking of you all and sending love.

  • Margaret (Clingan) Wright

    I am a long-time friend of Cecily’s we were at Gordon Primary School then Hornsby High together, and sat together in the violin section of the HGHS orchestra. I also continued playing my violin, as I do to this day in an amateur symphony orchestra.
    I offer you and all her family my sincere and deep condolences. She was always so vibrant and smiling and youthful, with a wonderful positive attitude. I was shocked to learn of her illness and death.
    We were not in constant contact after school days. Our paths went differently, and I moved to England, where I married and lived with our family. When I returned to Australia at the end of 1969, we lived in Canberra (still in the same house, same husband) , and saw her when she came here at one time. We met over the years at reunions of Gordon Primary and HGHS, the last time being in 2017 when she, Pam Valenti and I shared a motel room when we had fun at our 60th reunion of HGHS.
    At that time, I asked if the ‘girls’ could write a few words about their lives after HGHS, and many did, to go into a folder in the library. I am still collecting stories from the Old Girls, but Cecily was one who had the intention, but didn’t get around to it.
    I wonder if you, with your brothers and uncles, could perhaps put together a short outline of her 64 years since leaving school. Some families and friends have sent the eulogies of those who have passed to add to the folder.
    Again, my deepest sympathy to you all.
    Kind regards,
    Margaret (Clingan) Wright.

  • Howard Jones

    I am sorry that I won’t be able to make the funeral and say goodbye to your mother with you all.
    I remember Cecily fondly and her beautiful smile that she always graced everyone with.
    Howard Jones

  • Judith Jeffrey

    I knew Cecily for over thirty years. My favourite memory of her was when she looked after our unit at Manly. We had gone away for a few days and Cecily was keen to stay. She particularly loved swimming at the rock pool at Fairlight. Swimming was essential for Cecily. When we returned, the unit was filled with the perfume of roses. She had brought them back from her Mother's property. What a lovely memory of returning home. We always enjoyed her visits, especially the cakes she made. Michael and I loved Cecily dearly. We also appreciated that her music teaching was a great blessing to her many students.

  • Sophie Drysdale

    Dearest Cecily,
    Thank you for introducing Honor and Ava to violin and piano.
    Your lessons were fun and light hearted and always done with a big smile on your face. Many a joke was shared as I could always hear you and the girls laughing during their lessons.
    You will be missed dearly.
    With Love,
    Sophie, Michael, Honor and Ava Drysdale

  • Adrian Palser

    Great lady. Great teacher and truly an inspiration

  • Wayne Donaldson

    On behalf of the Sydney Boys High first form 1962 let me say Miss Cox was remembered most fondly by all whenever we have our ten year reunions (Nov 2022 next).
    We played tricks on her but she soldiered onto do her best to get us singing and enjoying music. She was one of the best teachers most of us ever had at High.
    We are very disappointed to hear of her passing as we thought she might be only a few years older than us and perhaps could be found and asked to our next reunion.
    Veritate et Virtutte

  • Howard Bolling AM

    Miss Cox is remembered so fondly by members of the class of 62-67 at Sydney Boys High School (62-63). Sharing the news of her passing with classmates today, generated so many lovely memories and tributes. Her excellence and passion for all forms of music unexpectedly inspired so many of us. Sincere condolences. RIP.
    Howard/Fred Bolling AM, Reunion Convenor, Class of 62-67.

  • John Bullock

    As a student at Sydney Boys' High I was one of her students.
    She made Music my favourite class.
    I am sure all my classmates remember and respect Miss Cox as I do.
    In spite of all her efforts I never made it as a musician due to lack of talent on the part of the pupil.
    80yo much too soon…

  • Rebekah Short

    Darling Cecily - you were mum, sister, friend to me, always with love. I will miss your tender heart and the song of your voice so much.

  • Robyn Murray

    My love is being sent to you, dearest Cecily, as you rest and heal in Spirit. Your light continues to shine brightly in the hearts of those who knew and loved you.
    My sincere condolences to your family and friends. 🙏❤

  • Marjorie Goodey

    Cecily will be missed at our annual lunch meeting of the Gordon Golden Girls . She was a lovely person who many of us went to Gordon and Hornsby High with her. She will be dearly missed by all. God bless you Cecily

  • Shani Molyneux

    My dear neighbour and friend..sitting on the grass chatting away, enjoying afternoon walks, you always spoke so fondly with my kids, your flare, your insight...ive missed you, and will continue to miss you...we didn't know each other well, but our connection was real and dear lady...we will continue to sprinkle flowers in the park across the road for you. With love to your family. Shanu, Gus, Tia and Zoe x

  • Susan Moore

    Thank you for the wonderful service celebrating Cecily’s life and my condolences to the family.
    Cecily and I were close friends for over 30 years. I can still remember her beautiful smile and outstretched hands greeting me when we first met. She was an immensely kind, funny, and intelligent person whom I could share so much with, including our love of music.
    Rest in peace my dear friend.
    With kind regards from Susan Moore xx

  • Mary Jones

    To me Cecily was someone who gave out warmth and love. She loved her family and loved using her artistry for others. She lived at St Michael’s Rectory for a time but after that we didn't see very much of one another, often living in different countries or at opposite ends of Australia. There were more visits in the last years of her life when was in Mosman and she was on the northern beaches and it was always a joy to see her.
    Jonathan got in touch with me and she called me shortly before she died and we had a wonderful conversation. The timing was perfect as I was going past Warner's Bay on my way up to Foster from the Blue Mountains where I had retired to and could stop in to see her. She was alert after a good night's sleep and my daughter Claire, son Noah and I had a good conversation with her. That was on Sunday, January 23 and a week later she died. am so thankful for that opportunity and know that the timing was perfect. Peter texted me that she had died Saturday night and the SU reading the following morning was from Psalm 31.
    Verse 14 reads: "I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God'. My times are in your hands." This verse was first given to me when my father died and I was in Perth on my way to Israel. I was able to fly back, attend the funeral and fly to Singapore in time to catch my flight.